Join us on Monday, June 13th from 7:00-9:00 PM via zoom for our June class titled “FHA Appraisal Updates: HUD Region VIII Commonly Noted Appraisal Deficiencies.”
HUD staff appraisers review appraisals for FHA forward mortgages, HECMs and REO properties to determine areas of non-compliance with HUD/FHA regulations and policy as outlined in the HUD Handbook 4000.1, the Appraisal Report and Data Delivery Guide (ARDDG) and relevant Mortgagee Letters. This presentation will address common deficiencies noted in the appraisal reviews performed at the Denver Homeownership Center.
The objectives of this course include helping appraisers to identify common errors found in the Colorado region when developing and reporting an appraisal. Putting into practice what is learned from this course will result in fewer errors and appraisals that are compliant with HUD/FHA and USPAP requirements.
Register now to receive 2 hours free appraiser continuing education credit. This free appraiser CE is available for both NCAREA and non-NCAREA members for this class. You must also complete the Zoom registration in order to attend and receive your CE for this class.
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