About RMAA

About RMAA

Our Purpose: Building a Community that Empowers Success

The Rocky Mountain Appraiser Association (formerly the Northern Colorado Association of Real Estate Appraisers) was formed over 15 years ago by appraisers to provide fellow appraisers an organization with: universal membership eligibility, continuing education opportunities that are relevant to Colorado and cost effective, opportunities to exchange ideas and information with peers in an informal setting, opportunities to associate with appraisers having expertise in a variety of property types or geographical areas, and opportunities for other professionals to become acquainted with working appraisers.


Our Values:

  • We Care About People – We are building a community of peers who support one another.
  • We grow together and celebrate each others success.
  • We guide each other through industry changes, helping create new possibilities.
  • We hold each other accountable, upholding the standards of our industry.
  • We help each other navigate ethical waters to maintain professional integrity.

Our Board

The association was originally created in 2007. There are no employees. There is a voluntary, non-paid, board of directors.

Andrew Eckel

Interim President


Vice President


Database Chair

David Bloxham

Education Chair


Membership Chair

Maggie Moxley


Jennifer Wentworth

Web Development Chair

Andrew Davis

Past President, Director-at-Large

Lou Garone

Past President, Director-at-Large

Katherine Fontana


Thomas Barron


Joe Tutchton


JoAnn Apostol


Ray Brienza


Todd Murray


View Public Member List

You can view our public member list, which are members who elected to have their information available to the general public. If you want to see our full member list, you will need to register as a member.

Become A Member

We’re a Colorado-based community founded by appraisers for appraisers. When you join our community you will have access to a minimum of 12 hours Colorado appraisal continuing education each year. Plus, you will become part of a community that will empower you to grow and thrive as an appraiser.
Join Today